Bad Breath

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Bad Breath

Bad breath is usually caused by problems associated with the mouth, teeth and gums. However, bad breath can sometimes be a symptom of systemic health problems.

The most common causes of bad breath are:

Poor oral hygiene: Plaque and tartar build-up, tooth decay, gum disease and gum infections can cause bad breath. As a result of the growth of bacteria in the mouth and the breakdown of food residues, sulphur compounds are released and a bad odour occurs.

Gum diseases: Gingivitis (gingivitis) and periodontitis (gum disease) can cause inflammation and infection of the gums. In this case, bacteria are likely to multiply in the mouth and cause bad odour.

Dry mouth : Insufficient saliva production in the mouth can cause bad breath. Saliva controls bacterial growth in the mouth and reduces bad odour. Dry mouth can be caused by certain medications, dysfunction of the salivary glands, mouth breathing, systemic diseases or other factors that reduce salivation.

Dental caries and infections: Active cavities and dental infections can be a source of bad odour. Bacteria in decayed or infected teeth can cause bad breath.

Sinus infections Sinus infections, such as sinusitis, can cause discharge from the nose and throat to come backwards into the mouth. This can lead to bad breath.

Other health problems: In rare cases, systemic health problems can lead to bad breath. For example, digestive system problems, kidney or liver diseases, diabetes, acid reflux may be associated with bad breath.

Bad breath can usually be controlled by good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. The following measures can help to reduce bad breath:

Regular and effective tooth brushing: It is important to reduce plaque build-up by brushing your teeth at least twice a day. It may also be helpful to brush your tongue or use a tongue cleaner.

Flossing: It is important to floss regularly to remove food debris and plaque that accumulate between the teeth.

Cleaning the tongue Bacteria on the surface of the tongue can cause bad odour. Cleaning your tongue with a tongue cleaner can reduce the formation of bad odours.

Regular dental check-ups: Regular check-ups with your dentist are important to check the health of your teeth and gums and to detect potential problems early.

Preventing dry mouth: Drinking plenty of water, avoiding sugary drinks, avoiding tobacco products and using mouth moisturisers can reduce dry mouth.

If bad breath becomes a persistent problem and does not improve with basic measures, it is important to consult a dentist or an otolaryngologist.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is bad breath and what causes it?

Bad breath is the general name for breath air that is perceived as a bad odour. This odour is usually caused by bacterial activity in the mouth, gums and tongue. Bad breath is caused by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria in the mouth and the volatile sulphur compounds released in this process. In addition, factors such as food consumed and smoking can also affect bad breath.

What can I do to prevent or reduce bad breath?

You can follow the steps below to control bad breath:
* Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
* Clean your tongue regularly with a tongue cleaner.
* You can use mouthwash, but prolonged use can disrupt the bacterial balance.
* Prevent dry mouth by drinking plenty of water. Do not smoke and avoid tobacco products.
* Avoid excessive consumption of spicy, oniony or garlic foods. Visit your dentist regularly.

Can bad breath be a symptom of a serious health problem?

Yes, in some cases, bad breath can be a symptom of serious health problems. In particular, persistent and untreated bad breath may indicate an underlying health problem. These may include the following:

* Periodontal diseases (gum diseases)
* Digestive system problems
* Diabetes Liver or kidney diseases
* Sinus infections
* Respiratory tract infections
* Dry mouth
* If bad breath is persistent and persists without treatment, it is important to consult a health professional.

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