Baby Bottle Bruises

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Baby Bottle Bruises

Baby bottle caries is tooth decay that occurs when babies or young children constantly use bottles or pacifiers. These caries usually occur in milk teeth. Baby bottle caries is caused by prolonged exposure to sugary or acidic drinks that are in constant contact with the teeth.

Baby bottle caries is associated with a combination of the following factors:

Prolonged exposure: If babies or small children constantly drink sugary drinks (e.g. milk, fruit juice, fizzy drinks) from a bottle, the teeth are constantly exposed to an acidic and sugary environment. This leads to tooth decay and the formation of bottle caries.

Overnight bottle use: When babies or children sleep with a bottle or continue to be fed with a bottle throughout the night, the teeth are constantly in contact with sugary liquids and the ground for the formation of caries.

Neglect of dental hygiene: Failure to form the habit of brushing teeth or inadequate tooth cleaning causes sugary residues on the teeth to remain on the teeth for a long time and cause caries.

Baby bottle caries usually starts on the front teeth and appears as brown or white spots on the tops of the teeth. In later stages, the teeth may develop cavities, abrasions and carious fillings. Baby bottle caries negatively affects the oral and dental health of the child and may require treatment.

It is important to take the following precautions to prevent baby bottle caries:

Limiting bottle use: It is important to gradually reduce the use of bottles by babies or children and to encourage them to stop using them completely by a certain age.

Not sleeping with a bottle during the night: Ensure that babies or children brush their teeth and drink only water before sleeping with a bottle.

Giving importance to dental hygiene: It is important to form the habit of cleaning teeth from the teething period. Babies' gums can be cleaned and should be cleaned regularly using a toothbrush after teeth erupt.

Pay attention to the diet: Consumption of sugary drinks and foods should be limited. It is also important to include balanced and healthy foods in the diet of babies or children.

If not intervened early, baby bottle caries can progress and cause decay in permanent teeth. Therefore, it is important for babies and children to have regular dental check-ups and be aware of dental health. Mandarindent will provide appropriate treatment methods and oral care recommendations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the causes of bottle bruises?

The main causes of bottle caries include consuming sugar-containing drinks with bottles for a long time, putting babies to sleep with bottles, not giving enough importance to dental hygiene and not teaching dental care habits at an early age.

Which teeth are affected by baby bottle caries?

Baby bottle caries usually occurs on the front teeth (front incisors). These caries occur when the liquid that babies or children often suck from a bottle comes into contact with the front teeth.

Can bottle bruises be treated?

Yes, bottle bruises can be treated. Treatment may differ depending on the severity of the decay. Treatment options may include cleaning the tooth decay, filling or coating applications. Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent the progression of caries and protect your child's dental health.

Remember that preventing bottle decay will contribute to your child growing up with healthy teeth. You can get more information by consulting a dentist specialised in dental health.

Contact us for information +90 532 482 87 48 You can call or make an appointment.

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